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Tom Dearie




About the artist

After completing his studies with a focus on painting at the esteemed Royal College of Art in London, Tom Dearie seamlessly transitioned into the realm of comics and illustration, achieving notable success. His comic creation, F is for Fire, earned him the prestigious 'Grand Prix' accolade at the 31st International Comic Competition (Komiksus) in Poland. The comic is inspired by the local fire department in Warsaw, where Dearie resides, and narrates the tale of a valiant firefighter and father who suffers an injury in the line of duty.

Dearie's art is characterized by its simplistic yet captivating forms and a striking color selection that gives his work a contemporary and comfortingly familiar appeal. His style would fit seamlessly within the pages of a classic comic book or gracing the cover of The New Yorker. While his work boasts clear commercial viability, it also carries a whimsical surrealism that often takes viewers by surprise, as exemplified by his Steamy Pete illustration, which could be likened to a psychedelic version of Where’s Wally or Tintin in an alternate reality.

Exploring Tom's art and creativity is akin to peeling back the layers of an onion. Initially, one is drawn to his intriguing use of color, particularly the various shades of purple that feature prominently in his recent pieces. This is followed by an enchantment with the charming characters and creatures he has conjured, distinguished by their minimal yet expressive facial features that are endearing to his audience. Finally, the world that Dearie has crafted for his characters is what truly unites all elements of his art. It is a fantastical realm populated by flying dragons, colossal beings, sorcerers, and enormous moths suitable for riding – creatures that might be daunting in reality but are instead inviting and captivating in Tom's imaginative universe. One can't help but feel a sense of longing to visit and perhaps never leave this world he has created. In essence, Tom's artwork can be described in one simple term: cool.



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